Bad news

 I just got bad news (not really bad, but possibly bad).  My kidney function went down (to 54 from 59), not up with the latest blood test.  So, I'm still restricted to 2 cups of tea a day.  She also wants me to increase my fluid intake.  That might be tricky.  Looking for a local consult to talk to a specialist about it.

I don't feel any thing wrong and it's above the real danger point, just it's irritating to not be able to drink my normal stuff. I'm at stage 3a,  see here for what that means  At my age I should have GFR of 85 or there abouts, which is why my primary care person is not happy.

I don't have any of the risk factors, ( diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, or a family history of kidney failure.) so this sorta came out of the blue when it was reported last year.  I was 3b then.


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